Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday, April 15, 2017

easter egg huntThe Annual Easter Egg Hunt is a fun holiday activity for kids of all ages to take part on Saturday April 15, 2017. The event is held at Carr Park.

Farmer’s Market

manchester business expoEnjoy the fresh taste of local foods at the Farmers Market in your area. Farmers and artisans bring their goods every Thursday from 3:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. starting early May through October. The market is located on Chi-Bro Park (209 Ann Arbor Street), near downtown Manchester.

Gazebo Concerts - Thursday nights June 8th - August 3th, 2017

special gazebo concertsAttend outdoor concerts from local musicians performing a wide range of music genres at Wurster Park, downtown Manchester. Rain or clear, concerts go on as scheduled. The shows typically run from 730 - 9 pm. Click here for the concert schedule, or visit us on Facebook “Manchester Gazebo Concerts”.

Canoe Race - May 21st, 2017

canoe races naplesThe annual Canoe Race takes place May 21. Located at Fellows bridge, where the Raisin River crosses Sharon Valley road. Registration starts at 10 A.M. The race begins at noon! Contact Patti McCabe at (734) 645-9722 or Cindy Kenney at [email protected]

Manchester Community Business Expo - May 25th, 2017

Business Expo

Come to Chi Bro Park in Manchester for an event featuring local businesses, non-profit organizations, live music and our regular Farmer’s Market. Stop by on Thursday May 25th, 2017 at 3:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. to learn what Manchester has to offer! 2017 Manchester Community Business Expo Application.

Community Resource Center and Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing - June 3rd, 2017



Located at Hill’s Heart of the Lakes Golf Course at 500 Case Road in Brooklyn Michigan. Download the forms here to register - 2017 Golf Outing Registration Form

Summer Ice Cream Socials

Ice Cream Social

The Manchester Church Community is hosting a variety of summer ice cream socials. The socials are held on various dates and at our area churches. For details, see this Manchester Mirror Link!






Manchester Community Fair - July 11-15, 2017

manchester community fairThere’s nothing like the Manchester Community Fair to help kickoff the summer. Activities include a carnival with rides, animals and exhibits, a rodeo, tractor pulls and nightly entertainment. It’s fun for the whole family! Click here for the link to the official website for all the details!

4th of July Fireworks

Events and Tourism in ManchesterWatch the fireworks with family and friends at Carr Park on Monday July 3, 2017. The Beer Tent opens at 8 p.m. with live music from local bands at 9 p.m. Fireworks start at dark, usually around 10:15PM. For details, see Manchester Men’s Club Website.

Chicken Broil - July 20th, 2017

manchester chicken broilThe annual Manchester Chicken Broil will be held Thursday, July 20, 2017 from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. at the Alumni Memorial Field in beautiful Manchester, Michigan, just 15 miles southwest of Ann Arbor. This long-time civic event is considered the largest event of its kind, serving approximately 10,000 meals in a four-hour period. Net proceeds from this event are used to benefit a variety of causes in the Manchester area, including the public schools, community parks, library and local civic organizations. Funds from the Chicken Broil proceeds for 2006 and 2007 were used to help construct the Barnyard playground structures and children’s area redevelopment at Manchester’s Carr Park, in conjunction with the Village Parks Commission, the Manchester Village Council, and several other fund-raising organizations in Manchester. Funds from the 2008 – 2010 Chicken Broils were allocated for equipment repairs, Boy Scout Troop equipment, Manchester Middle School playground equipment and High School band uniforms. The 2016 Chicken Broil funds will be allocated to refurbishing the Kingsley-Jenter House for the Manchester Area Historical Society.

Click here for the official Manchester Chicken Broil website.

We pride ourselves on providing a delicious chicken dinner complete with ½ chicken, roll with butter, fresh made cole slaw with secret local recipe, radishes, chips and beverage. Additional soft drinks, water and ice cream are available as extras. Entertainment and lots of camaraderie are provided for your enjoyment! An antique car show is included. All for a ticket price of $ 10.00 at the gate ($ 9.00 advance purchase at various merchants and offices). There is now a drive through!

Manchester Sesquicentennial - July 29th - August 7th, 2017

The Village of Manchester will be celebrating its 150th birthday as a village this year! From July 29 through August 7, we will host a variety of historical themed events, including presentations on 1867, historic baseball games, Fashion High Tea, parade, Main Street Dinner, agri-tour, local industry “tech walk”, street dance, historic home tours, and much more.
Visit our website www.48158.com/150years for a full schedule of events, ticket information, background of our celebration, and other plans. We are also on Facebook at “Manchester Sesquicentennial Festival”.

Run Manchester/ Manchester Street Festival - Saturday August 5th, 2017

Run Manchester DowntownThe annual run Manchester/ Manchester Street festival returned in 2016 now that the Main Street Bridge construction is complete. The event is Saturday, August 5th, 2017, beginning at 10AM. For details visit www.manchesterstreetfestival.org.